£0.50 - £10.00

KHOST - Live at Middlesbrough Town Hall, Old Firestation, Monday 3 February

(with thanks to Mythology Agency)

Our 1st Monday night of the year!

This is some line up!

KHOST- Walls of Analogue Distortion taken to a different level!


YE GODS - Ritualistic Electronics


DEER PARK - a film by ANDREW FINCH...Deer Park is a short film exploring the sites of British Post-Industrial music. Tracing a psychogeographic lineage between Brighton, Chiswick and Somerset through the landscapes once inhabited by Coil, the film unearths the places that underpinned this shadowy and alternative musical history.

Cost of living & 50p tickets available. Free DL codes with all purchases (3 with full price, 2 with Cost of Living, 1 with 50p ticket)

Advance purchase, if at all possible, is a huge help for planning ouyr future endeavours